Thursday, December 20, 2018

Where are the Sheriffs in Buellton?

Vehicles speeding, not stopping at stop signs, not waiting for pedestrians at crosswalks.

Where are the Sheriffs?

Sunday, December 16, 2018

City of Buellton Gives Special Dispensation to Car Lots

Why is it that the City of Buellton allows these used car lots on Avenue of the Flags to park their vehicles for sale on side walks or walking areas?

Also, we will be posting video on YouTube of these car sellers dumping their antifreeze and transmission fluids into the curb gutters.  Isn't that a serious crime?  

Where is the law enforcement in Buellton?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Buellton, CA - Avenue of the Flags

This is an update with no solutions as of February - 2018.

Drivers coming off of the freeway onto Ave of the Flags are still traveling at speeds exceeding 55 mph!  Also, on HWY 246.

The State of California requires  cities to have a "tracking survey" done before the city can enforce speed laws.  What?  Yes, that's correct.  So, the City of Buellton needs to be encouraged to get off their asses and have a "tracking survey" done for radar enforcement on Avenue of the Flags and Highway 246.

Also, drivers continue to blow through stop signs on the side streets that feed 246 and Avenue of the Flags.  Where is the motor vehicle law enforcement?  

Let's get it done before some innocent kids get killed!